First things first...
Sketch collab is out! Take a look here!
I was happy to be a part of this collab for the second year in the row now, which was organized by the TheMam you can check out my part in full color here on D.A: “Yoshimi meets Noodles the Sawgbot.”
Hopefully this collab gets more recognition than the last, since there have been fewer and fewer home grown NG collabs in the forums in the past couple of years. So support your NG collabs!
Secondly, a thanks to Piper-Ann for recording my Writing contest entry “Cheri.” I was very lucky to have her do an audio adaption of the piece as a reward for winning the top prize. She did a great job of mixing and even making custom sound effects. A big thank you for her hard work, and I hopefully will be working with her on a few upcoming animations soon. :)
It sucks to hear that the NG shop is closing, luckily I used my prize money recently to grab a few precious penicorns as birthday gifts for Glennand MuffynMan Andrew. I will probably grab a few stickers and a shirt if it doesn't close too soon... And I always wanted a mystery box, but they are still out of stock hmm...
All in all I am a creative writing major, so I've been a bit busy myself in terms of creating new projects, although I have a few originals planned out in my head that I have just begun to put on paper and get serious about. In the mean time you can look out for my friend's productions like Ricardo's Quest HD! (Trailer) Coming soon by Budj
Let my bot Noodles swaggle you up the street and out the way you came. Thanks for checking in though.
Stay Crassy,
Oh, so that's what their names are. XD
Yeah, it is an obscure Flaming Lips music reference XD